Monday, February 27, 2012

Lear. King Lear.

Main characters. Psych major. Gotta rant. Really sassy. Had fun. I sorry.................

Lear--Ok before anything else, I think it's LEGIT that Professor Burton named his son after King Lear. I think if I were a boy, I would so want that to be my name. Plus, I was reflecting on the legacy that would leave for him. And the more I started thinking...Lear is pretty awesome. I mean, yeah, he's probably a bit senile. Ok a lot a bit...but I think Shakespeare is able to do a lot with the Lear character. Mostly the idea that we are all imperfect and we all lose sight of the things we should really appreciate. Lear is HUMAN and I like that Shakespeare reminds me of that. Not all things are fairytales. Sometimes, life is about CHOICE!
  • Evidence: uuummmmm I can't find the quote I want at the moment. I'll get back to you, Lear.
Cordelia--Poor girl? Not exactly......She at least could have told the old man she loved him. What's with this "I only love you according to our bond" crap? She makes herself sound like she doesn't love him at all. She could have played a better an "You know how much I love you so I'm not going to say it" card. Which obviously she shouldn't have to say since she shows it, but come on, girl. Give your poor father a break. If you love him as much as every reader thinks you do, haven't you seen him start to loose it? I mean you don't have to be obnoxious and deceitful like the two evil stepsisters you got there, but honestly: can't you just tell the poor guy you love him?
  • Evidence: "Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave my heart into my mouth: I love your majesty according to my bond; nor more nor less."       - I.i.
Goneril and Regan--can I just name them the two evil stepsisters and call it a day? Watch Cinderella. You'll get it. Well...I mean...I guess I can't blame them too much. It'd be pretty......uummm......annoying to have a senile man living in your's never happened to me before...but HONESTLY people. It's your own father! Let him keep his 100 servants on his side of your freaking castle and let the poor guy rest. You don't even have to talk to him.

Gloucester--I got nothin bad to say about you. You're just a nice guy. Thanks for introducing me to the theme of blindness in the play. Really quite cool...but I'm sorry about the eyes. You'll be happy to know there is a town in Massachusetts that bears your name. Known for it's fishing and resort center. Wonder who was thinking when they named THAT one. Thought you might be interested...

Kent--Wow. Hello loyalty. Way to go, dude.

Albany--Hey. Way to stick up for father-in-law there. You're a nice person too.

Cornwall--Dude. CHILL! Why you so angry all the time.

:) Well, I hope you enjoyed my complete and unnecessary SASS!.......but I don't feel THAT bad...because these are fictional characters. I'm hoping to expand on this post later but I REALLY gotta go do my Psych homework. :) Thanks for listening.


  1. haha, chloe, i barely know you and yet... love you :). haha, alright, maybe more specifically, i love the way you write your posts. you analyze. the key word of those two being YOU. I can totally tell that it's you, and it doesn't make me i'm reading an english paper :). so...thank you.

  2. Dear Sarah, I FEEL THE SAME WAY EVERY TIME I READ YOUR BLOG!!!!! Friend request?

    Thanks so much. I really appreciate that. I was kinda worried about is post because I feel like it's more of my reaction to the characters rather than an that means a lot. I figured that while we have this awesome informal medium of blogging, that I might as well take advantage of it.

    P.S. CONGRATS on your marriage. The pictures you posted were BEAUTIFUL. More please? hahaha find more ways to relate it to Shakespeare! hahahahahaahahaha
